The exclusion zone surrounding the plant can now only be visited with government permission. 核电站周围的禁区如今只有得到政府许可才可进入。
Their families accused the government of putting bureaucratic hurdles in their way to make it hard to obtain permission to bury them. 死者家属谴责政府设置官僚手续障碍,使得他们很难获得许可安葬尸体。
The provincial government had refused your correspondent permission to visit Yongchang, saying the Roman connection was a "sensitive" issue involving ethnic minorities. 甘肃省政府拒绝本报记者访问永昌的请求,说与罗马之间的关系是个“敏感”话题,牵涉到少数民族问题。
We had to draw up the Open Government Licence ( OGL), which grants blanket permission to re-use the majority of government data. 我们还需要制定OpenGovernmentLicence(OGL),授予开发者重用大部分政府数据的完全的使用权限。
This enterprise has even gained the government's permission for sericulture in forbidden parts of the forest. 这项活动甚至得到了在该林区的禁区中从事养蚕业的政府许可。
For example, when Oriental brewery, a kkr-backed company based in South Korea, secured government permission to raise beer prices, it became the object of a buy-local campaign. 例如,当kkr支持的韩国东洋啤酒公司(orientalbrewery)获得提高啤酒价格的政府审批时,它成为了一场购买国货运动的目标。
President Christofias has also expressed disapproval over the British government's use of its base for military action, but conceded that Britain does not need permission from Cyprus. 总统赫里斯托菲亚斯也表示对英国政府采取军事行动的基地,不以为然,但他承认,英国并不需要从塞浦路斯许可。
Morrell says the United States could be doing much more, but there is no plan to do anything without Burmese government permission. 国防部发言人莫雷尔表示,美方其实可以做得更多,但是没有缅甸政府的批准,现在不准备采取行动。
These technological innovations will increasingly make it possible for world citizens to communicate and exchange with one another without government knowledge, sanction, or permission. 这些技术创新,使得世界人民彼此交流越来容易,而不经政府的知晓、核准、或允许。
Indeed, in South Korea, investors were required until the 1980s to secure government permission for holding foreign currency or exporting capital. 实际上,在韩国,80年代以前,投资者持有外汇或汇出资金都必须获得政府的批准。
In that country nobody is allowed to capture or kill tigers without government's permission. 在那个国家,任何人未经政府批准都不得捕捉或杀死老虎。
After receiving the government permission to establish the local center, the young sister arranged a radio announcement about the center. 在取得政府的认可之后,这位师姊就在当地的电台安排播放小中心相关的讯息。
The new venture will get full government permission for all events, will put in place management systems to guarantee a good environment, and children will be barred from competing for prizes, he says. 他表示,新合资公司将得到政府的全面许可,该公司将设立管理体系,以确保良好的游戏环境,并且会禁止儿童参赛。
The buyer shall be responsible for obtaining the import permission from his government and the seller therefor shall be responsible for obtaining the export permission if required, from his government. 买方应负责从其政府取得进口许可,而卖方应负责从其政府取得所需的出口许可。
The government had granted them permission to carry out this project. 政府已经准许他们来实施这个项目。
Chief government spokesman Yukio Edano, speaking to reporters Monday, explained that officials could grant permission to restart the nuclear plants after the first stage of the evaluations. 政府首席发言人枝野幸男星期一对记者们发表讲话时解释说,有关官员在第一阶段的评估之后可以授权重新启动核电厂。
The government at last gave us permission to go ahead with our building plans. 政府最后允许我们继续执行我们的建筑计划。
Active-service officers live mainly in government houses. Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer. 在职军官主要住用公寓房。军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。
They can deposit these yuan in banks offshore, or invest them in offshore bonds, but they cannot invest them on the mainland without the government's permission. 他们可以在境外银行中储蓄这些人民币,或者投资境外债券,但在没有政府同意的情况下不可以在中国境内进行投资。
He convinced the government and won permission. 他终于说服了政府,得到了批准。
The association of prostitutes of Bahia State has won government permission for the project, enabling FM station radio zona to start broadcasting in the second half of the year, Project Coordinator Sandro Correia said. 计划协调人山卓柯瑞亚表示,巴伊亚州妓女协会已得到政府许可进行这项计划,若娜调频电台将在今年下半年开始播放节目。
The United States may airdrop aid to victims of a cyclone in Myanmar, doing it without the government's permission. 尽管遭到缅甸政府拒绝,美国仍可能对缅甸空投物资,以救助龙卷风中的受灾难民。
Developers also pay the government an upfront premium in return for permission to convert its use, say from agriculture to commercial, a hey-presto transformation that releases more value. 开发商还向政府预付一笔额外费用,以换取变更土地用途的许可,例如从农业用地变更为商业用地。这样摇身一变会释放出更多的价值。
Prodded by the increasing sense of insecurity, parliament has legislated to prevent technology leaks by requiring Korean companies to get government permission if they want to transfer core technologies overseas. 随着不安全感的日益加剧,韩国国会已经立法规定,如果韩国公司要向海外转移核心技术,需要得到政府的许可,以防技术泄露。
Although there are some rules in administrative permit system that are not consistent with WTO regulations, yet we are sure that our government is capable of improving the system so that administrative permission can be an effective means in the government's implementing governing. 尽管我国现行的行政许可制度与WTO规则有许多不相适应的地方,但我们相信政府完全有能力完善我国的行政许可制度并使之成为政府实施行政管理的一种有效手段。
Regulation generally refers to government regulatory policy and the consequent effects on market endeavors of enterprises by means of either permission or approval in accordance with relevant laws. 规制是由特定的行政机构依据有关法律规定,通过许可或认可手段,对企业的市场活动施加影响的行为。
Chapter One Legitimacy of Politics. Political legitimacy refers to the rightfulness of ruling of a government on the basis of the populace permission. 政治合法性,是指政府基于被民众认可的原则的基础上实施统治的正统性或正当性。
The article discusses the construction of affinity's government and some difficulties in the following aspects: electronization, administrative permission and administrative discretion power. 文章从电子化、行政许可、行政自由裁量权方面来探讨亲和政府的建设以及所遇到的困难。
With the opening up of the banking industry, Chinese government has granted permission to foreign banks to conduct foreign exchange and RMB businesses. Competition among foreign banks and Chinese local banks turns to be more and more intense. 随着我国银行业的全面开放,中国向外资金融机构全面放开外汇业务,外资银行获准经营人民币业务,中外资银行间的竞争日趋激烈。
The housing supply pattern needs to break the commercial housing to the housing market monopoly pattern, the government while increases the indemnificatory housing supply, the permission folk cooperation constructs housing. 住房供应模式需要打破商品房对住房市场的垄断格局,政府在加大保障性住房供应的同时,允许民间合作建房。